
Encouraging the spiritual pursuit through Satsang as  Sanatana Dharma, Amma joins upon invitations from group of people to do Sankeerthana and Satsang Talks followed by offering blessing along with Teerthaprasaada-Vitarana

The Essence Behind

  • It is said that ancient Yogis derive the ragas from high astral planes GandharvaLokas which is how the mere listening of the Sankeethanas and Bhajans by the masters showered the disciples and people around drench in the cosmic energy
  • Any prayers offered in a group tends to be more powerful than those offered individually.
  • Human consciousness interacts with physical plane at some level and manifests the fact that when one continuously connects to positive energy, it reciprocates and when the energy multiplies,exponentially increases the positivity in the world
  • Amma channels the Holy blessings of God through the Sankeethana-Satsang, a step towards collective change